About Our Church
We believe that God is! There is one true God, Creator of the universe and Father of all mankind. There are no other gods before Him, and nothing exists apart from Him. He is all powerful, all-knowing, and all-present. He created man in His own image for reasons arising only in His own will and for the purpose of bringing glory to Himself. The Godhead is comprised of God, the Father; God, the Son (Jesus Christ); and God, the Holy Spirit. God, the Father, resides in heaven. He makes the decrees and it is Jesus Christ, the Son, or the Holy Spirit who carry them out.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but also existed as God through eternity. He possesses every attribute of God, the Father, to an infinite degree. Through Him all that exists, both in Heaven and on earth, was made. Jesus Christ became incarnate, i.e. He became a man, giving up for a time, His divine privileges. He lived a sinless life and ultimately suffered and died, becoming an atoning sacrifice for the sins of man, for those who would receive God’s offer of grace according to the terms of His covenant.
The Holy Spirit is also God. He is the Person through whom all truth is revealed and all divine decrees are carried out. He, like Jesus Christ, the Son, possesses to an infinite degree all attributes of God. He is a distinct personality, not an “It” or a “Thing.”
We believe the Bible is the complete revelation of God to man. Those things which God chose to reveal to man are fully contained in the Sacred Scriptures. However difficult it may be to understand all that God has revealed, they are infallible and true. It is by these Words that man is to conduct His life. Because the Bible is purely the work of God, man is to add nothing to it, nor take anything from it.
God’s purpose in the creation, in general, and in man, in particular, is:
Our problem is sin. God has allowed His enemy, Satan, to be the ruler of this world for a time. Satan is the source of all evil and has corrupted God’s perfect creation. By the exercise of free will, we have all chosen, in various ways and at various times, to violate the purity and holiness of God, having fallen under Satan’s influence. We have, in other words, committed sin. Our problem is that, being sin-stained, we have separated ourselves from our Creator. No corrupted thing can enter into God’s presence and we have not the power to remove the corruption. Therefore, we are wholly dependent upon God to devise a method for us to be cleansed, if we are to be reconciled to Him. This He has done through Jesus Christ, a method devised even before the creation of the world.
Our Response:
Our primary duty is stated by Jesus in Matthew 22:37, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This was proclaimed by Jesus Christ in response to the question, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
We attempt to live this daily and encourage one another to do so. We attempt to demonstrate this quality by adhering to the second great command-ment set forth by Jesus, one like the first: Love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22: 39).
We strive to become people who love the brethren (i.e. Christians) intensely, even sacrificially. The apostle John wrote, “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (1John 3: 16). Jesus, furthermore, taught that His disciples would be identified by this sacrificial love principle, “A new command-ment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13: 34).
Our Mission is:
1. to share God’s message of salvation that was shared with us.
2. to equip the believers for all works of ministry.
3. to encourage the brethren to grow daily in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
4. to lift up the troubled heart, comfort the afflicted soul, and carry one another’s burdens.
Our Invitation to you is: Come join with us in this wonderful journey from who we are to God. Being reunited with God is more than a one time action. It begins with an obedient response to His invitation, but continues with a life-long search for truth in His Word and a fuller understanding of the One into whose image we are being transformed.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but also existed as God through eternity. He possesses every attribute of God, the Father, to an infinite degree. Through Him all that exists, both in Heaven and on earth, was made. Jesus Christ became incarnate, i.e. He became a man, giving up for a time, His divine privileges. He lived a sinless life and ultimately suffered and died, becoming an atoning sacrifice for the sins of man, for those who would receive God’s offer of grace according to the terms of His covenant.
The Holy Spirit is also God. He is the Person through whom all truth is revealed and all divine decrees are carried out. He, like Jesus Christ, the Son, possesses to an infinite degree all attributes of God. He is a distinct personality, not an “It” or a “Thing.”
We believe the Bible is the complete revelation of God to man. Those things which God chose to reveal to man are fully contained in the Sacred Scriptures. However difficult it may be to understand all that God has revealed, they are infallible and true. It is by these Words that man is to conduct His life. Because the Bible is purely the work of God, man is to add nothing to it, nor take anything from it.
God’s purpose in the creation, in general, and in man, in particular, is:
- to create a perfect world which He would allow to be corrupted.
- to place Himself in that corrupted world and demonstrate His incomprehensible goodness and love.
- to reunite corrupted man with Himself through the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ.
- to transform corrupted men and women into beings that reflect fully His own being and are worthy to dwell with Him for eternity.
- to create a people of redeemed men and women that would become a special family of His own.
Our problem is sin. God has allowed His enemy, Satan, to be the ruler of this world for a time. Satan is the source of all evil and has corrupted God’s perfect creation. By the exercise of free will, we have all chosen, in various ways and at various times, to violate the purity and holiness of God, having fallen under Satan’s influence. We have, in other words, committed sin. Our problem is that, being sin-stained, we have separated ourselves from our Creator. No corrupted thing can enter into God’s presence and we have not the power to remove the corruption. Therefore, we are wholly dependent upon God to devise a method for us to be cleansed, if we are to be reconciled to Him. This He has done through Jesus Christ, a method devised even before the creation of the world.
Our Response:
Our primary duty is stated by Jesus in Matthew 22:37, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This was proclaimed by Jesus Christ in response to the question, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
We attempt to live this daily and encourage one another to do so. We attempt to demonstrate this quality by adhering to the second great command-ment set forth by Jesus, one like the first: Love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22: 39).
We strive to become people who love the brethren (i.e. Christians) intensely, even sacrificially. The apostle John wrote, “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (1John 3: 16). Jesus, furthermore, taught that His disciples would be identified by this sacrificial love principle, “A new command-ment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13: 34).
Our Mission is:
1. to share God’s message of salvation that was shared with us.
2. to equip the believers for all works of ministry.
3. to encourage the brethren to grow daily in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
4. to lift up the troubled heart, comfort the afflicted soul, and carry one another’s burdens.
Our Invitation to you is: Come join with us in this wonderful journey from who we are to God. Being reunited with God is more than a one time action. It begins with an obedient response to His invitation, but continues with a life-long search for truth in His Word and a fuller understanding of the One into whose image we are being transformed.